5 Things You Should Never Put Down the Drain


A blocked drain can be a huge hassle, especially if you don't know what caused the blockage in the first place. To help you prevent this from happening, here are five things that you should never put down your drains. 

1. Grease and Oil

Cooking grease and oil may seem like liquids when you're pouring them down the drain, but they become solids once they cool off. As such, they can easily build up on the sides of your pipes and cause significant blockages over time. To avoid this, pour any grease or oil into an empty jar or container before disposing of it in the trash.

2. Coffee Grounds

While coffee grounds may seem like they couldn't do much harm, they can actually be quite problematic for your plumbing system. The small granules can easily get stuck in any curves or bends in the pipe and create a blockage over time. To avoid this issue, simply throw out your used coffee grounds with the rest of your household garbage instead of putting them down the drain.

3. Flour

Flour is another kitchen item that seems harmless enough to put down the drain but should actually be disposed of elsewhere. Once flour comes into contact with water, it forms a paste-like substance that can easily cause clogs throughout your plumbing system. To avoid this issue altogether, throw away any leftover flour with your other kitchen scraps.

4. Hair

Hair is one of those things that seems to accumulate quickly around bathroom drains without us even noticing it's there. To help keep hair from blocking up your pipes, always use a drain catch when showering or bathing so that all stray hairs are collected before they have a chance to make their way into the plumbing system below.

5. Cotton Swabs

Cotton swabs are another common culprit when it comes to clogged drains. While these tiny pieces of cotton may seem insignificant at first glance, their small size allows them to slip past even smaller drains and make their way deep into plumbing systems, where they'll eventually cause major blockages over time if not removed properly.


Clogged drains can be a major hassle for homeowners — not only do they take time to unclog, but they can also cost quite a bit in repair costs. Luckily, avoiding these issues altogether is easy if you remember to never put certain items down your drains, such as grease and oil, coffee grounds, flour, hair and cotton swabs. If you want further info, contact a local plumbing service today. 


26 January 2023

Dealing With Plumbing Issues

If you experience plumbing problems, you will no doubt want to take action to get them fixed as soon as possible. Plumbing issues can lead to serious damage to your property so it is important that you take action fast. My name is Jackie and I would like to give you some advice on the steps you should take if your property develops a plumbing problem. I'm not a plumber myself but when my water pipes started to leak, I had to call out a plumber. The contractor who visited my home gave me lots of useful tips on how I could maintain my plumbing system.