When Is It Time to Get a New Hot Water Heater?


In a modern world, having access to hot water isn't just a luxury; it's essential. In addition to making it easier for you to wash and keep yourself clean, the right heater helps you maintain hygiene around your home. Your hot water tank is central to your access to hot water. Because of this, when your current type no longer meets your needs, you'll have to look into replacing it. Here are some occasions where you may need a new water heater.

Your Family Grows or Shrinks

If you're a couple and you start a family, the amount of hot water you use is going to increase significantly. Aside from all the bathing, you're going to spend a lot of time washing clothes and dishes. As a result, you may need a larger water tank so that you don't need to repeatedly heat your existing one. Getting a larger one means less energy expenditure as time goes on and less time spent waiting for your tank to heat up. Similarly, when people move out of your household, the amount of hot water you need reduces. Sticking to a large tank can be inefficient, as it means you're continuously heating a volume you're unlikely to use. Speak to a plumber who offers gas fittings or who can work with the energy type you use.

Your Energy Source Changes

On the topic of energy, if the source you use changes, then your hot water tank may need to as well. For example, if you start using solar energy, then you may want to try a dual cylinder tank. Dual cylinder tanks will use mains electricity heated water as a backup once the water heated by your solar panels runs out. As a result, you can use your solar heated water to its full potential and only dip into your mains power when it's needed. 

You're Requesting More Repairs

Hot water heater repairs are necessary on occasion. But if you're starting to see your plumbing contractor more often than you see your friends, it's time to consider replacing your tank. After serving its building faithfully for many years, most tanks will succumb to their wear and tear and stop meeting their full potential. Next time you need to call a plumber out, ask them if it would be more cost-effective to get a replacement. If they say yes, it's time to start shopping for alternative tanks that'll give you fewer problems.

Contact a local plumbing contractor to learn more.


18 January 2022

Dealing With Plumbing Issues

If you experience plumbing problems, you will no doubt want to take action to get them fixed as soon as possible. Plumbing issues can lead to serious damage to your property so it is important that you take action fast. My name is Jackie and I would like to give you some advice on the steps you should take if your property develops a plumbing problem. I'm not a plumber myself but when my water pipes started to leak, I had to call out a plumber. The contractor who visited my home gave me lots of useful tips on how I could maintain my plumbing system.